Mesh Integration Volumiser System Hair Replacement Course

Mesh Integration Volumiser Hair Replacment Course

Want to offer something new and exciting?

Our mesh integration volumiser course is what your salon needs!Our course is fully accredited and globally recognised .Don't live Leicester, where our training salons are? problem we run a courses across the midlands, east midlands, west midlands, London, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

This course allows you to offer solutions to the clients suffering hair loss, pattern baldness, Short or damaged hair, Hairloss caused by medication, stress and more.The system is specialized which means it will set you apart from all other salons, hair extension technicians and hairdressers. Its an advanced system allowing you to open your client list to a whole new type of clientele.The system is built from a breathable hair loss mesh, which you shape to your clients head. From this you create links, this will secure the mesh to the clients head by pulling tiny sections of hair through and securing. 

The system itself is incredible...its Windproof!, Swim proof!...and Gym proof so no more excuses!From this we use wefts and closures, hairpieces and more to build the unit. 

Clients return every 8-12 weeks depending on how fast their hair grows for a maintenance sessionthen every 6-8 months re-alignment where the system is removed and redone. This allows you to check clients needs again and rebuild the unit.During the course you will be shown the different techniques to apply the system, learn who your suitable candidates are and how to maintain and remove the system safely on clients. With this being a specializied system prices for clients vary from £350 through to £1500 but this does vary on location. 

Our course is accredited by ABT and CPD allowing you to gain insurance to work on paying clients.

The course includes a manual, suppliers list, starter kit and accredited qualification that's globally recognized!!! 

Cost: £1500 We accept all major debit, credit cards, cash and bank transfers.

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