Mens Hair Replacement Course

Mens and Ladies Hair Replacement Techniques
Learn various techniques of:

  •  Attaching Mens and ladies toupees and volumiser systems, using glue, tape and Link System.
  • Removing systems
  • Cleaning and preparing systems
  • Consultation
  • Health & Safety 


How long does non surgical hair replacement?

The non-surgical hair replacement is not a single procedure that will last for life. Individual hair replacement systems have an average life span of 6 to 12 months depending on the kind of hair system, as well as how regularly and profesionally it has been serviced.

Many men going through genetic male pattern hair loss or thinning hair due to stress and other medical factors experience anxiety, a loss of confidence and self-esteem and social exclusion as a result of losing their hair. They can also feel compromised in the workplace.

Many men have joined the legions of TV personalities, movie stars, actors and pop stars who wear hair replacement systems with total confidence in the knowledge that no-one will ever know their secret.

Course Cost £999